Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Dbq Although New England and the Chesapeake
WaNyah Tucker 11A September 24, 2012 DBQ seek Question Although unexampled Eng solid ground and the Chesapeake country were both settled largely by of English origin, by 1700 the area had evolved into two different societies. Why did this divergence in develop manpowert occur? Thesis Statement When talking virtually refreshing England and the Chesapeake region, you direct to consider the differences in motives and geography. Consider economic situations (reasons for remittal where they did, reasons why they came to bare-assed England in the first place). One has to think active the family development and demographics, as well as the government social structure.Thought New England and the Chesapeake region were both settled with a majority of English origin. By 1700 the region had evolved into two completely different societies. When talking ab break New England and the Chesapeake region, you have to consider the differences in motives and geography. Consider economic situa tions (reasons for settling where they did, reasons why they came to New England in the first place). One has to think most the family development and demographics, as well as the government structure. All these differences helped sculpt the colonies into their own remarkable and distinct ways of living.The geography of the New England Colonies was not the best. The soil was in truth rocky. This do agriculture for the New England settler nearly impossible to achieve. last the English brought pigs, horses, sheep, and cattle to the settlements. This required pastureland so the colonists were constantly alter forests. The New England colonists were fed up with all of the rocky land, not macrocosm able to farm and plant, they moved towards the coast. The dense forests allowed a bounty of character which was used for building ships that could be used for various.Also, there was an abundance of lean off the coast of Newfoundland, which made the New Englanders really wealthy. The Chesapeake region however, had very fertile soil. The Atlantic nautical created was able to create many rivers and wetlands. This provided the Chesapeake with land that was moist where they were able to establish agriculture. The main crop being produced in this area was tobacco. thither was such high demand for tobacco, it eventually execute the soil to become try old and tired. By the soil drying out it increased the need for new land.In Document B on the angle of inclination of emigrant bound for New England, it is for the most part family oriented. Families were coming and units. These people were mostly the Puritans who were coming to New England for religious purposes. The New England colonies were founded as examples of pure religion. The New Englanders would come to prosper through their hard exercise, thrift, and the quality of their commitment to divinity and each other. The Christian values of charity towards another man resulted in tight knit communities that embra ced the idea to care for every member.John Winthrop wrote, A mannikin of Christian Charity, while he was aboard the Arbella on the Atlantic Ocean in 1630. In this writing he states that no matter what societal class you fall under everyone must say close together and work in unison as one man. Not as many men work but coming together. Showing the nitty-gritty one would give to their brother. One must make their fellow colonist conditions their own, whether it is good or bad. Laugh together, cry together, rejoice together, mourn together, work together and even suffer together. They are as a metropolis upon a hill.Meaning that other colonies will see what they do. They will calling card everything they do so they have to set an example of how to be. The colonial theocratic governments also sought to further the welfare of the populace by enforcing Gods biblical laws, thus strengthening the peoples support for the government (respect of authority is required by the Bible, and r espect for a government that can hang you is required by common sense). Finally, the rugged land of New England did not stop the offset of crops. This allowed the Chesapeake colonies to prosper on agriculture alone.Unlike the New England colonies, the Chesapeake colony of Virginia never made any gesture of being a religious settlement, except for the presumable support for the Church of England. Most of the original settlers were men Document C who had left their families behind in order to attend to the territory that was to successfully produce gold for the King and the country. Most fundamentally produce for the shareholders. slightly of the investors in the Virginia Company quickly seized upon the idea of farming as a substitute for gold-mining. This paid for the pass mature of many indentured ervants and later, slaves to the New World. on that point were many diseases that swept through Chesapeake colonies. Life in the Chesapeake colonies was very harsh. there were diseas es such as malaria, dysentery, and typhoid fever. Half of the people natural in Virginia and Maryland died before the age of twenty. While the other died by the age of forty (women) or fifty (men). There were a lot of men that couldnt find single women to mate with in order to repopulate. There were many families being destroyed my death. The children were dying very young. The Chesapeake colonies struggled.Then native born inhabitants gained immunity to all of the diseases that were infecting the original immigrants. The New England colonies had colonial assemblies and town meetings where the colonists discussed important matters of local government. These assemblies and town meetings also had the power to tax their citizens to fund the church. to a higher place the local government were governors. These governors were supposed to enforce all of the Kings policies and answered directly to the king. in a higher place the governors were the houses of Parliament in England.There wa snt really a government structure when it came down to the Chesapeake colonies. They were all about the gold and making a profit. They had slaves working in the fields when they discovered tobacco and other things. They were much about quantity and money and goods and trade. In conclusion, many things that contributed into establishing these colonies led to many more events. Since there were many slaves being worked now, there were many that didnt pit with the way they were being treated. Therefore leading to many rebellions.One of which known as Bacons Rebellion which was an uprising in 1676 in the Virginia Colony in North America, led by a 29-year-old planter, Nathaniel Bacon. There were about a thousand Virginians rose (including former indentured servants, poor whites and poor blacks) because they resented Virginia governor William Berkeleys friendly policies towards the Native Americans when Berkeley refused to retaliate for a series of Indian attacks on frontier settlements , others took matters into their own hands, attacking Native Americans, chasing Berkeley from Jamestown, Virginia, and torching the capital.There was many more. Like the New York Revolt in 1712 which killed nine whites and as a result of the actions taken by the slaves, twenty-one blacks were executed and some burned at the gamble over a slow fire. Or even the South Carolina Revolt. quite a little say it was like a failed attempt of Bacons Rebellion. This revolt happened in 1736. Fifty blacks tried to march along the Stono River to Spanish florida but failed and was halt by local militia.
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