Saturday, February 16, 2019

Challenges Affecting International Students in Australia Essays

Challenges affecting internationalist students in Australia 1.0 Challenges set about international students in Australia1.1 triggerThe need for higher education has prompted many students to seek further studies in international colleges outside their countries and Australia has be rally an academic hub for international students who mostly come from developing nations in Asia and Africa. The students, once they secure a place in this schools, they are subjected to a new-fashioned environment which comes with different challenges. International students in Australia have become an integral part of the society both cordial and economical. However the students face a myriad of challenges before fully adopting to the new acquisition culture. In this report, the focus is centered in the analysis of challenges facing the international students in Australia and strategies the institutions and students have resolved to use to address the problems. The lawsuit reviews the social as w ell as economic factors which affect these students in the processes of their academic pursuits.1.2 Social Issues1.2.1 Language BarrierThere are several(prenominal) social lie withs that affect the international students in Australia. The major social issue is basically language barrier. According to Sawir (2005), prior research indicates that many international students from Asia, studying in Australia, face serious learning difficulties and lack self-reliance in speaking and taking a proactive role in classrooms and surrounding environment. Language barrier creates communication barriers between the lecturers and some students oddly from Asian countries and can lead to dismal academic performance age at the same time separating themselves from mainstream society. The... ...on to the students about the university and its environment, before enrolment. Offering temporary job placement and coordinating with surrounding firms to assist the students can be of great help to the society. 3.0 ReferencesMarginson, S, Deumert, A, Nyland, C, Gaby Ramia & Sawir, E, The Social and Economic Security of international students in Australia Study of 202 student cases, Monash Institute for the Study of Global Movement, Monash UniversityMorris, J, E, 2009, Approaches and strategies to foster a culture of academic honesty how can we help students develop an accord of good academic practice? Oxford, United Kingdom Higher teaching AcademySawir, E, 2005, Language difficulties of international students in Australia The effects of prior learning experience, Australia, Education Faculty, Monash University

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