Friday, March 8, 2019

A Modern Twist

It was some five in the afternoon, and he was fixing his hair inside his bath agency. He was facing a circular mirror that was full above the set and he looked at his reflection, trying to see whether his face was okay. He had messy, park black hair, fair skin, and brown eyes. When he was finished with his hair, that would never squelch fixed, he went straight downstairs. In the kitchen were his mamma and public address system. For some very unknown reason, he never looked manage any of his parents, plus they were pale.At times he would specify of himself as Asian, but that wasnt possible. His whole life he lived in New York and there was no way that they were related to any Asians. As he walked into the kitchen door, his soda pop gave him a look that made him stop. And where do you think youre going? Rex, we have somewhere to go to tomorrow, early morn, and I dont hope you to end up coming home four in the morning again. his dad express. Rex smiled and said, Oh come o n dad. That was meet one night, and everyone was having fun.Besides, I wont deport long cuz me and my friends for furbish up be going to this carnival or fair, any(prenominal) you call it. Then his mom gave his dad a look of laudation nd he had no choice but to agree. Okay fine. Just dont come home late, you know how you make your mom and I worry. his dad said sternly. Rex felt a Jolt of relief and he hugged and kissed them both. Rex met up with his friends at the entrance to the fair. They got inside and tried out all the incompatible booths. Rex and his friends all came from rich families, so spending money here wouldnt be a problem.Everything at the fair was so colourful. Filled with cool lights and surprise music, the place was a blast. Then, Rex and his friends came across one booth that looked archaic, dark and abandoned. queerness got he best of Rex and his friends and they went inside the booth, expecting to see over-the-hill and dusty things. Instead, they dictu m a round table covered in purple cloth, and on top of it was a crystal nut case. His friends started circling the table, examining it and the crystal ball, and Rex decided to follow. All of a sudden, an middle-aged cleaning lady appeared out of nowhere giving everyone a shock.Unlike her looks, the mature ladys voice was elegant, graceful. What can I do for you handsome young hands? Perhaps a look into your future, a chance to discover what shed light on of fate awaits you? the octogenarian lady said. Everyone was looking and listening to the ld lady intently. The room was so tense that Rex could hear his heart beating rapidly in his chest. No need to pay. Anyone who is interested, please come forward and I result read your future. the mature lady said. Then, one of Rexs friends said, Ah, this cant be real. Guys, this is stupid, lets sound out of here. mieah, there are other fun booths to be at. Were blow our time here. another one called out to the group. Wait. Id like to try. Rex came forward. Everyone had their eyes on him now. Rex, you know shes probably Just some phony psychic like the ones we see on T. V. said ne of his friends. mfou sure about this? Of billet Im sure, besides what harm can a little fortune verbalise do? said Rex, trying to sound a lot more than confident then he actually was. Indeed, young man. My phony tricks will only take a second of your precious time. said the old woman.Carefully, Rex sat on a chair opposite to the old stool your mind and let your thoughts run free, then gaze into the crystal ball and tell me what you see. At first, it looked like a gray pool was Just endlessly swirling around the ball. But, as Rex leaned in to take a contiguous look at the ball, images started o form. l see a woman, on her left is a lion, above her is an eagle, and on her right is a snake. As soon as these words escaped Rexs mouth, the images blended together and morphed into one. Uh, mam, I think your orbs messed up. sai d Rex. Im not an expert in Greek allegory but Im pretty sure Im looking at a Sphinx. With her eyebrows raised, the old lady peered inside the ball for a few minutes. Then, the old woman sat up straight, she looked into Rexs eyes and said, My dear boy, Im afraid you are terminus ad quem to suffer a very tragic fate. Rex felt an assortment of emotions sanitary up inside him. He was sure none of what he had comprehend was true, still an unmistakable feeling of dread started to creep up his body.The old lady went on, miou will fall in love with your mother. The room detonate with gag. iou were right Martha, this is stupid. This cant be true. Rex said to his friend. The old woman interrupted their fits of laughter and said, Oh, but that is not all my dear boy, you will also be the reason for your fathers death. Alright, thats where I draw the line. replied Rex. Enough of your bogus bull guys lets get out of this old shack miou can choose to be finesse to the truth. My Job i s simply to give you a glimpse of your future. Now that I have, you may leave. the old lady exclaimed. Tips are greatly appreciated by the way. added the old woman. No thanks. answered Rex, as he and his friends exited the booth. Hey Rex, dont tell me you believe a single thing that old hag told you? his friend asked him. Nah Why should l? That was bogus. Rex said. Then one of their friends suggested that they would go to a party Just come near the place where the carnival was. It was already seven in the level. Rex was so hyped up from all the fun they were having, that he forgot hat his dad had told him earlier that day. They went to the party, had tons of more fun and enjoyed the night.At the apartment, Rexs dad was worried. It was already eleven in the evening and Rex hadnt answered his phone. Suddenly, his dad felt a discomfort in his chest. He knew that it had something to do with his heart because he could no longer breathe properly. As Rexs dad was struggling to breat he, he uttered Rex, where are you? Later that evening, Rex picked up his phone. It was his mom. She said his dad suffered a massive heart attack and that he was in the hospital now. Rex, youVe got to come here quickly Please said Rexs mom in a desperate tone.As soon as he hear these words, Rex sprinted out of the house and into the street. He hailed a cab and said Mom, Im so sorry Im on my way there, Just hold on. Rexs mom started to to-do down and cry. Mom? Mom Dont worry dadll be alright Hell be alright.. said Rex, trying to reassure his mom. Inside, Rex felt like a stir little boy. He felt chills run up and down his spine. Rex remembered what the old lady from the fair had told him, mfou will be the cause of your fathers death. Rex thought to himself, could the old lady be telling the truth? He didnt want to know.

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