Thursday, March 14, 2019
Malaysian Culture
Malayansian Culture. INTRODUCTION Malaysias has a multicultural and multiethnic tribe consisting of Malays, Chinese, Indians and Bumiputra of Sarawak and Sabah, in which people of different religions, countries of origins and race die hard in a peaceful and harmonious society has influenced its arts and culture. Each of Malays, Chinese, Indians and Bumiputra mentions different festivities that they adjudge from their great great grandp atomic number 18nts. BODY 1) First of exclusively, Malays atomic number 18 the largest community in Malaysia. Hari Raya Puasa and Hari Raya hadji atomic number 18 the roughly significant festivities that they keep with families and friends.Hari Raya Puasa, the day of celebration of marking the end of Ramadan (which is a month-long period where fasting takes place from cockcrow to sunset) is the biggest impression of the Muslim calendar. This is a snip when you will see Malay families dressed up in their best handed- set downistic out fit wish baju kurung and baju Melayu to mark this special causation. Similar to the Chinese during Chinese New Year, the Malays similarly aim the custom of giving Angpau but on this occasion it is know as duit raya and is given in green packets.Being a Malay and Muslim in Malaysia, the impost is that, once a year during the feast of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, they gussy up luxurious festive food such as ketupat, beef rendang, lemang, satay and the Raya cookies. Then, Hari Raya Haji is historied approximately after 70 days the celebrations of Hari Raya Aidilfitri. The ancient Muslim festival ofHari Raya Haji, also known as the fete of Sacrifice that is notable over two days by Muslims worldwide. The festival starts off with prayers by male volunteers and the afford of sheep, goats and cows to symbolize Phophet Ibrahims readiness to sacrifice his own flesh and blood. ) Next, the second major population is the Chinese people. They celebrate Chinese New Year, Mid-Autumn Festival and Hungry Ghost Festival. The date of the Chinese New Year is determined by the lunar calendar and it practically falls annually in either January or February. Being a major blusht on the Chinese calendar, the Chinese residents celebrate this occasion in stylish red or gold colours. Spring clean for this festive season is essential to most Chinese and it is a viridity sight to see red pieces of paper with Chinese calligraphy guardianship nifty wishes placed onto doors and walls.The distribution of Angpau(red packets containing money) by parents and relatives to unmarried children is a popular practice during this festive season. The Mid-Autumn Festival also known as Lantern Festival which falls on the 15th day of the eighth Chinese lunar Calendar. This is a historical festival rather than a religious one. It attach the successful rebellion against the Mongol ruler dated back in 14th century China. Legend has indicated that the secret about a maculation against the Mongolians was hidden inside the moon cake and the moon cake was distributed widely. Lanterns were utilise at night as signals from higher effort and hilltop.Today, this festival is celebrated with moon cakes and lantern hanging in the house. The lantern and the moon cakes have attracted many children and adults attention. Next, the ordinal month of the lunar calendar is when the hungry ghost festival is celebrated. This event is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated worldwide by Chinese people and it involves the offering of food and burning of offerings for ex spacious exasperate and papier-mache material items such as clothes, gold, cars and houses as a category of ancestor worship with the meaning of extending filial piety from descendants to their ancestors even after their deaths.These offerings can be seen along roadsides and on founder grounds as a means of appeasing and respecting the departed. In some areas of Malaysia you whitethorn even have the chance watching the Chines e operas which are ordered to entertain the wandering spirits. During this festival, puppet shows are traditionally held along with live singing performances. 3) Deepavali is one of the significant events celebrated by the Indians. This is a festival when Indian communities are filled with lights, music, scents, arts and performances. Known also as the Festival of lights, it is an occasion of celebration for both Hindus and Sikhs.It marks the beginning of a New Year for certain North Indians, while some suppose that the departed souls of relatives will descend during this time and rows of tiny oil lamps are used to guide them on a journey to the next world. During this festival, untested clothes are worn, and vibrant and colourful lights, festive bazaars and cultural activities invigorate the streets of the Indian communities across Malaysia. 4) Next, we move on to the Bumiputra. In Sarawak, Gawai Dayakmarks the meaning(a) date for the Ibans ethnic group and marks the end of th e paddy strain harvest season.The Ibans invite their friends, family and people from different ethnic groups to join in the gaiety celebrated in their longhouses. At the beginning of the ceremony, prayer is commonly led by the tribal chief as a traditional way of seeking blessings from the gods, followed by dances performed by men wearing warrior attire. This is followed by the most important part of the ceremony the miring, a ritual performed by the elderly who simultaneously mutter a chant for peace, safety, protection and a plentiful harvest in the next season. In Sabah, Tadau Kaamatan is a harvest-feast celebration held by the Kadazandusuns ethnic groups of Sabah.This is a celebration of thanksgiving offered to the rice gods by the farmers. Thus prayers are also held in hope for an ample harvest the following year. They give thanks to the gods and spirits for blessings and a good paddy harvest. Sabah natives wear their traditional costumes and enjoy a carnival-like atmosphere , which is usually stretches from permeate to dawn. Tapai, their homemade rice wine is freely served during the festivities. Then, there is the Unduk Ngadau, a traditional beauty contest, in which, the fairest in the land will participate, and a Kaamatan queen will be selected.This is however no ordinary beauty contest, as it apparently owes its origins to the legend or story of the Kadazandusuns genesis and their creator, Kinoingans sacrifice of his only daughter, Huminodun for the love of his people. Besides that, Christmas Day, which is held annually on decline 25th, Christians celebrate the Nativity, or the birth of Christ. Here in Malaysia, since we live in a multi cultural country with no snow, all Malaysians tend to celebrate this festive seasons visiting friends and families. Shopping malls put up their decorations and lights and Christians put their Christmas trees up one to two weeks before Christmas.As with everywhere, Christmas preparations are done up to the put up minute of December 24th. On Christmas Eve, Christians dress up in their new-fashioned clothes and go to church for midnight services. Before mass begins they normally have sketches or plays by the children and Christmas carolling. In most Christian homes, it is a tradition to say a short prayer before doing anything else. After the prayers most families have wine and fruit cake to toast Christmas. After this, gifts are exchanged and they snap plenty of photos of the person opening the gifts. Once the fervency has died down they head on to bed.On Christmas day, families have a feast and this is the time when friends of all faiths make their rounds to wish Merry Christmas. Some visitors bring presents and gifts. The children prank with joy as they receive gifts and money in a limited version of ang-pow from friends and relatives. CONCLUSION Each ethnic group has its own inherent culture that separates it from the others, and they have achieved different levels of integration. Perh aps the easiest way to begin to recognize the highly complex cultural interaction which is Malaysia is to look at the open door policy maintained during religious festivals.Although Malaysias different cultural traditions are frequently maintained by seemingly self-contained ethnic communities, all of Malaysias communities open their doors to members of other cultures during a religious festival, to tourists as well as neighbours. Such inclusiveness is more than just a way to break down cultural barriers and foster understanding. It is a positive celebration of a tradition of tolerance that has for millennia formed the basis of Malaysias progress.
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