Saturday, March 9, 2019
Psy/265 Sexuality at Different Life Stages Essay
There ar changes in all told stage of deportment including knowledgeable changes that follow us as we get on sure-enough(a). With the following scenarios that babble honourable about the different points of our awareness and stages of finish upual kins, I leave suggest from a counselors perspective ways to champion each person in the settings presented. The first case is Anna, an adolescent girl, is truly oft in love with her sheik who is three years older than she. He is putting a lot of pressure on her to ingest call down. At the similar while, she is anxious about her parents attitude towards her boyfriend.Her re deal unendingly warns her about dating an older boy and assumes that he intends to take avail of her. The first thing I would go about is setting a relaxed and comfortable exchange to allow Anna to express her own opinions, in doing so I would simply guide her what she feels about having agitate with her boyfriend, not how her parents feel, not h ow her boyfriend feels, solely how does she feel about it. I would then ask her is she was prepared to collect sex, has she argueed with her boyfriend what precautions they would take, and what they would be prepared to do if something happened and she became pregnant. just about of the questions would be directed towards her once I could visually observe her, I would ask her if she was feeling peer pressure to switch sex, or if her boyfriend was pressuring her to have sex. I would also explain that sometimes it is okay to interpret no to sex and just because her friends say they have or are encouraging her to have sex does not necessarily mean it is the regenerate decision for her. I would also enter into a wrangleion of what sex means to her, and bring about the questions to see if she feels if she does not have sex with him she would perhaps loose him.I would recommend to her that she see a gynecologist or her family doctor to further explore all the birth contain options and make sure she understands that even though it is a shared unspoilteousness with her and her boyfriend, she should make sure she is practicing safe sex. For me I would also mention that her m different is concerned, because Anna is her daughter. I would ask her if she had any questions for me, and then assure her that what ever we cover is between us and she outhouse feel free to come to talk with me at anytime.I would also tell her to take all the time she needed to come to her decision, and make it because it is what is right for her. I am a realist, and all we can do is provide the kids with good information and anticipate that we have given them enough of it for them to make a decision that is right and safe for them. turkey cock and Susan are an elderly agree. Tom has been retired for several years, and Susan is more than recently retired. She has shown a renewed interest in knowledgeable activity.Tom has not reciprocated Susans interest as he is anxious about his sexual ability at this age. I feel it would be beaver to first address some issues with Tom and see if he matte up there was a possible physical reason that perhaps he had not brought up prior to this. Several factors may play a role in sexual inactivity including declining activity, physical problems, boredom, and attitudes about sex among older people. If he was having physical issues I would suggest to him that perhaps he should see his doctor about some of the things that may help in this area.Many men have problems with erections due to stress and other factors, and when you can get to the cause of it, there is often help for it. I would discuss with them about Susans recent retirement and see if that change has triggered her to have some extra energy and less stress from not having a regular scheduled job. I would suggest that they try date night, or think about activities or things that used to make them feel more romantic, and suggest that they try to stop thinking about it and just let it naturally occur.Go out and do things that make you both happy, couple things, individual things, get to know each other again because in a sense that is what they are doing, getting to know each other again. I would bring forward them to communicate and talk about things, not turn the television on or the phone on when they go to bed, and discuss their needs openly with each other and figure out what will meet both of their needs. measurement has been paralyzed from the waist down since he was a child. He is involved in a romantic relationship and wishes to be intimate with his associate but is unsure how to express his interest. accuse becomes very nervous and uncomfortable when talking about this subject evoke and the ability to have sex with a partner and have a long term intimate relationship is desired as much by people with a disability as it is with most people. The keep down of physical sexual function and ability to feel pleasure or pain sensation i s often the first thing they think of, rhytidectomy fear and anxiety. Yet it is something we all desire because sex enriches our lives and brings us to arrest and closer relationships with our partners.People with a physical disability often have a poor self body image, thinking they are discredited goods, broken, somehow less than. These feelings are normal you should talk about them with your partner, but dont dwell on them. wakeless love make is about pleasing your partner. Often people in Bills situation find excitement and release simply from the closeness of pleasuring their partner. Healthy sexuality involves warmth, tenderness, and love, not just genital contact, so I would encourage Bill to step outside of his comfort zone and talk to his partner about how he feels.I recommend that Bill seek his physicians medical opinion and assistance to see if one of the clinical treatments for erectile dysfunction, such as Viagra could improve the quality of erections and sexual act ivity with him. I would also remind him that orgasm after palsy is possible for some men but it is often not the same as it is usually defined. It can become less physical, less rivet on the genitals and more about his state of mind. It is important Bill comes to understand that the injury of sensation does not rule out loss of sexuality.In conclusion, we all experience sexual awareness and activity during all ages of our lives. So we all need to take a moment to just breathe and know we are not alone. Talk to our partners, talk with our physicians/counselors and apprize what will work for you in your own situation. Take control of your life and learn to understand your own body. References Rathus, S. A. , Nevid, J. S. , and Fichner-Rathus, L. (2011). Human sexuality in a world of diversity. (8th ed. ) Boston, MA Allyn and Bacon.
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